Hashweh’t Sitto Naima, Sitto Naima’s Syrian Stuffing

If you’ve never cooked Syrian, this is one dish you should try. It’s simple to prepare and has a mixture of spices that are typical of our cuisine. But the best part is that Sitto Naima’s Syrian Stuffing is what we consider “comfort food.” Yes, every nationality has their version of a dish that can be everything…and this is it!

In Sitto’s day, we called it Hashweh and it was always served alongside chicken or turkey as a side dish. The rice, ground lamb, and chickpeas are a perfect foil for the allspice and Datah, one of our favorite Aleppo spices. You’ll also find that this humble combination of meat, rice and legumes makes it a protein-hearty and satisfying meal all by itself.

This holiday season, try a little bit of Syria on your table. You’ll find it will become a family favorite. Sahtein!