Jebasseh W’ Jibneh, Watermelon and Syrian String Cheese

Watermelon & Syrian String Cheese.JPG

Now that the weather here in California is well over 90 degrees, my thoughts sometimes go back to our summer days in New Jersey. How happy we were to greet those early summer days in northern New Jersey. The long winter, sometimes cool spring made these hot days seem very special. 


As a kid, I always looked forward to Sitto's plates which she'd put out in the hot weather. Whether it was for a picnic on the porch or up in the mountains, we always had our Jibneh W' Jebasseh to cool us off. That watermelon and Syrian String Cheese would always make us smile.

I've posted before on making your own Syrian String Cheese and I hope that most of you have tried this traditional and unique Syrian cheese. And if you'd like to try to make your own Khubiz, Syrian Bread, page 4 has that recipe, too. 

Then pick up the new crop of watermelon at your favorite farmer's market and you're all set to begin your own special summer memories!