Cauliflower with Meat
Zahra Ma’ Lahmeh
Spinach And Black Eyed Peas
Sbanikh W’ Lubiya
Spinach and Lentils
Sbanikh W’ Addes
Stewed Squash
Kusa Matbukh
String Beans With Meat & Tomatoes
Fowleh Ma’ Lahem W’ Banadura
Cauliflower with Meat
Zahra Ma’ Lahmeh
Spinach And Black Eyed Peas
Sbanikh W’ Lubiya
Spinach and Lentils
Sbanikh W’ Addes
Stewed Squash
Kusa Matbukh
String Beans With Meat & Tomatoes
Fowleh Ma’ Lahem W’ Banadura